China and WIPO Co-hosted A Senior IP Seminar in Changsha


“WIPO: Central & Northeastern China IP Senior Seminar” was held on Aug.2 and 3 in Changsha, provincial capital of Hunan Province. Some 180 IP officials, scholars, managers and patent agents from China and abroad attended it to discuss about the hot issues in IP field and presented their suggestions about the IP work in central and northeastern China. 


Mr. Xing Shengcai, Vice-Commissioner of SIPO, addressed in the opening ceremony, saying that in contemporary world, international competition came to more and more rely on how much IP own and how to utilize IP, and the seminar itself was an important measure of SIPO to carry out China’s policy of the “Revitalizing Northeastern Industrial Base” and “Central China Uprising”, and would further promote local IP work, help them establishment the concept of IP economy management and IP development, as well as speed up the development of local science, technology and economy.


Mr. He Tongxin, Vice Governor of Hunan Province, said that Hunan has been attaching great attention to IP work, public awareness of IP has been dramatically increased, more and more independent and upgraded IP came out, the ability utilizing IP has been fostered, and the IP protection has been comprehensively enforced. “Hunan will take the seminar as an opportunity to enforce its cooperation with WIPO and SIPO as well as other municipalities and provinces, to continue improving its work in IP field and abilities of innovation, management and protection.


According to Dr. Mpazi Sinjela, dean of WIPO Worldwide Academy, China is a great country in innovation, also one of the oldest developing countries adopting IP system. China is more influential in international IP field, and its IP system develop quite quickly in recent years, has efficiently serve China’s economic development. Innovation also needs protection, and China still needs to study how to protect and utilize knowledge, which could bring out more wealth. Dr. Mpazi Sinjela said that he is pleased to see China has promote the protection and utilization of IP in a systematic way.


Attendants of the seminar also discussed a lot about the latest development of international IP system, IP international treaties, China’s IP protection and its future, Japanese experience in IP development as well as other relevant matters.


The seminar, jointly hosted by WIPO, SIPO, and Hunan provincial government, and undertaken by Hunan IP Bureau, is another successful cooperation object between Chinese government and WIPO after the China Western IP Senior Seminar happened in May of 2005.

