Hu Jintao talked with Bush in St. Petersburg


    President Hu Jintao, who was in St. Petersburg to attend the outreach session of the G8 summit, said that China would continue to adopt measures to increase imports from the United States, tighten protection of intellectual property rights, and actively and steadily push forward the reform of the RMB exchange rate system.

    President Bush said the United States highly values China's pledges on market access and protection of intellectual property rights, and he stressed that China's economic growth was beneficial to American businesses for expanding their export markets and, as a result, the US was willing to expand its trade and business relation with China.

    Hu stressed that the trade and economic cooperation should be equal and bilaterally beneficial, and the two countries should deal properly with any problems that emerge in their trade and economic activities. He urged the US side to consider and properly handle China’s concerns on bilateral trade and economic cooperation, relax its limitations on high-tech exports to China, and create a fairer environment for Chinese enterprises to undertake trade and investment in the United States.

    During the talk, the two leaders also exchanged ideas about Sino-American relations as well as other international issues.   

