Chinese president calls for improvement of IPR system


BEIJING, May 27 (Xinhua) -- China should work out a national Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) strategy backed up by a sound legal and policy system, Chinese President Hu Jintao said in a study meeting.


Hu said at the meeting that in the coming period, the new IPR strategy should concentrate on IPR's creation, management, protection and utilization, which will help develop a batch of China's own IPR with core techniques and benefit the overall social economic development.


China should cultivate its own copyrighted and patented brands that are IPR protected, improve its IPR legal system to meet international IPR protection requirements and crack down on IPR infringements, said Hu.


"Only by doing so can China improve its innovation capability, adapt to the socialist market economy and the international environment," Hu said.


He pointed out that through its IPR policies and laws, China must find a balance between protecting its own scientific innovation and legally borrowing science and technology from others.


Hu said IPR protection is in the public interests and will benefit China's long-term development.


The meeting, held here on Friday by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), mainly discussed international IPR protection and construction of China's IPR legal and policy system.

