Commissioner Tian Lipu Led Delegation to Korea to Attend the Fifth Commissioner Policy Dialogue Meeting


The Fifth Trilateral Policy Dialogue Meeting among the Commissioners of the SIPO (the State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China), the JPO (Japan Patent Office) and the KIPO (Korean Intellectual Property Office) was held in Taej on Korea on December 1st, 2005. Mr. Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO, Mr. Kim Jong-Kap, Commissioner of KIPO, and Mr. Makoto NAKAJIMA, Commissioner of JPO all led delegations to attend it. The meeting was presided over by Commissioner Kim Jong-Kap.
On the meeting, the three Commissioners briefly introduced the latest developments of each office. Commissioner Tian Lipu mainly introduced the situations of patent examination practices, personnel development of SIPO, measures enacted by the Chinese government to strengthen IP protection and the foundation of the Leading Group for National Intellectual Property Strategy Formulation of the P.R. China. The three Commissioners also exchanged ideas on cooperation of the three offices with other intellectual property offices and other global IP issues all concerned. In addition, they further discussed about the future cooperation between three offices.
The three offices agreed that further strengthen IP cooperation will greatly promote the economic and trade development of this region, thus reaffirmed they should further extend and deepen cooperation. Moreover, the three offices affirmed that they would further strengthen cooperation in such areas as patent information data exchange, electronic priority document exchange, trilateral website building and examination practices exchange, etc. The three offices also discussed the possibility of organizing IP enforcement seminars. The three commissioners decided that in order to promote the cooperation work, they would urge the working level to discuss about the cooperation blueprint. After the meeting, the three offices signed the Meeting Summary.
This meeting was the fifth Trilateral Policy Dialogue Meetings among the Commissioners of the SIPO, JPO and KIPO ever since 2001, which provided a platform for the three offices to communicate and exchange with each other, facilitate and promote the perfection of the IP system of this region.

