As one of the key points for the visit to China


On Nov.28th, 2005, Mr. TianLiPu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R. China, on behalf of the government of the P.R. China, and Namjil CHINBAT, Director General of the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia, on behalf of the government of Mongolia, signed the IP Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Mongolia. This was one of the key points for Mongolia president’s visit to China.

According to that agreement, both parties will cooperate with each other in such areas as the perfection of IP legal system, personnel training and automation development, and exchange ideas on important IP issues. In addition, both parties also affirmed the contributions of genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklores to the development of science, culture and economy of both countries and agreed to strengthen exchange and cooperation in this area.

According to some commentators, the sign of that agreement uncovered a new page of cooperation in the IP area between China and Mongolia. It indicates that both parties will further perfect national IP legislation and strengthen IP protection. It will have momentous significance as to facilitate the perfection of IP system, build closer economy and trade relationship and promote the economic prosperity of this region.


