SIPO Formally Starts the National Intellectual Property Strategy -Making Work


August 10th, 2005, the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (SIPO) held the kick-off meeting of the national intellectual property strategy-making work, which indicated that the IP strategy-making work fully and formally started in China. Mr. Tian Lipu, commissioner of the SIPO made an important speech at the meeting. He commented in his speech that in order to meet both the national and international challenges, meet the requirements of realizing the new-style industrialization, China must formulate its own national intellectual property strategy.

According to the sources, the initial design of the national intellectual property strategy of China is composed of one outline and twenty monographic studies, i.e."20+1". All of the work must be finished in one year, at the latest of not more than one and a half years.

In his speech, Mr. Tian Lipu introduced the whole preparation work for the national intellectual property strategy making and illustrated the orientation, guiding ideology and main principles of the strategy. He points out that the national intellectual property strategy is not a development strategy of the intellectual property work itself, but an overall strategy of the whole nation. The IP strategy is correlated with the Strategy of Developing the Country by Relying on Science and Education, the Sustainable Development Strategy, the Strategy of Reinvigorating China through Human Resource Development, etc. All of the above-mentioned national strategies have a common goal: building a well-off society, making contributions for China's renaissance. The strategy-making work should be directed by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important conceptions of the "Three Representatives". At the same time, it should follow the following basic principles, such as government-oriented, innovation-based, coordination-emphasized, etc.

Mr. Tian Lipu also raised some requirements for the strategy-making work, such as increase awareness, unify thinking, understand its importance; work with the down-to-earth attitude and lay a good foundation for the whole work; work with the collaboration attitude and advance the strategy-making work together.

In the end, Mr. Tian Lipu pointed out that the strategy-making work is a glorious but hard task. There is a lot of research work and coordination work need to be done. The staff of the SIPO should go all out to help accomplish the work quickly and assure the quality at the same time.

