Commissioner Wang Meets Japan-China Association Delegation


On February 19, Commissioner Wang Jingchuan met the 18-member Japan-China Association delegation, headed by Japanese Congressman Mr. Noda Takeshi.  Mr. Lu Guoliang, Deputy Director General of the International Cooperation Department also attended the meeting. 

Mr. Wang welcomed the delegation and thanked the association's contribution to the China-Japan friendship.  Mr. Takeshi expressed his desire to deepen the understanding of the Chinese IPR system and status through the visit. 

Mr. Wang said after the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relationship, the relationship of the two countries has been developing very fast.  Trade activities between the two countries were also on the increase.  Intellectual property protection is playing and will continue to play a key role in the trade activities between the two countries.  Mr. Wang introduced SIPO's measures in tackling examination backlog, legal work, publicity measures to elevate the public's awareness of intellectual property, training of IPR professionals and strengthening of IPR enforcement.

Commissioner Wang pointed out it was an important task for SIPO to significantly elevate the public's awareness of IPR protection.  If not, no matter how many efforts the government exerted to protect IPR, it would not be easy to eliminate manufacturing and sales of counterfeiting products thoroughly.  Therefore, SIPO had to make the public aware of respecting others' IPRs as well as protecting their own's.

Mr. Wang also indicated the economy in China was still in transition.  Economic development was imbalanced.  We admit in some areas of China, IPR infringment was still very serious.  However, this was just a phenomon in the process of development.  The Chinese government believed with the adoption of many measures, China had the capacity to shorten this process.  If the IPR issues were handled well, they would hinder foreign investment and the sustainable development of China.  Strengthening IPR protection was the actual need for China's development.  He wished the Japanese friends could see China from the development prospective and enhance communications to find more common ground.  Mr. Wang's remarks won applaud from the Japanese guests.


