China Will Establish IPR Alert System


China will establish an IPR alert system in consideration of three perspectives, aiming to offer referencing tools to its domestic companies for their avoidance of possible patent disputes and R & D of proprietary IPRs.

1. During their routine examination operation, patent examiners and re-examiners will input special features, data and issues worthy of attention that are collected from patent applications into a designated patent examination alert system.
2. During their operation in handling patent disputes, IP offices and courts of law around the nation will input special features, data and issues worthy of attention that are collected from cases into a designated patent dispute alert system.
3. Locate the fast-growing categories of goods in trade through real-time monitoring of the volume of importing and exporting goods via the networked customs import and export trade alert system at regional customs.

The real-time monitoring, statistics and analysis of the inputted data through the three systems may alert domestic companies of possible patent hurdles and technological barriers, make them aware of potential problems and attempt to avoid economic disputes.

