Success Seen in Online China Patent Market Center


Since Online China Patent Market Center (the Center) was established in last March, the trade of patented technologies on the platform has grown substantially.  By December 2003, 531 transactions of patented technologies with the total value of 290 million Chinese Yuan had been concluded while 110 million Chinese Yuan of capital were financed for SMEs and promising patent projects. 

Thousands of inventors, companies, universities, research institutes, venture capitalists and intermediary agencies formed this platform of information, communication, consultation and transaction.  The number of registered members on the platform has reached 12,000.  Over 30,000 pieces of technologies were posted.  The web page has received over 380,000 clicks.

Mr. Liu Xuemin, Director of the Center said that The Center is striving to be a platform of innovative cooperation and a patent market place without off hours. 

