Deputy Commissioner Tian Met US-China Business Council Delegation


On the morning of October 28, the US-China Business Council delegation, headed by Mr. Christopher Galvin, Chairman of the Board, former Chairman and CEO of Motorola Company, visited SIPO and were welcomed by Deputy Commissioner Mr. Tian Lipu.

The US-China Business Council is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, committed to the promotion of US-China trade relationship. At present, the Council has 250 member companies, enjoys a high prestige in the US business industry. It is the 30 anniversary of the establishment of the US-China business Council, indicating a special meaning for this delegation's visit.

Mr. Tian Lipu, Deputy Commissioner of the SIPO, expressed his warm welcome to the guest on behalf of the SIPO and Commissioner Wang. He briefly introduced the background and current status of the SIPO, especially the efforts in reducing the backlog made by the SIPO and the achievements in protecting intellectual property rights in recent years. The US guests express their high appreciation for the Chinese government in the progress of IP legislation and protection and hoped to continue strengthening IP protection and enforcement so as to protect the legitimate rights of US companies in China. Deputy Commissioner Tian indicated that protection of intellectual property rights was the continuous position of the Chinese government, not only for protecting the interests of foreign companies, but also for the self-development of Chinese companies. Due to the short history of the IP system in China, the public awareness of IP protection was still weak. It took a rather long time to further perfect our IP protection.

Both sides also exchanged views on some mutual concerned issues. The meeting was concluded at a friendly atmosphere.

