Counsellor Technical Affairs Visit SIPO


On June 17, Mr. Syed Ali Tallae, Counsellor Technical Affairs of Embassy of Pakistan, visited the SIPO, who was met by Mr. Qiao Dexi, Director General of International Cooperation Department.

Mr. Qiao expressed his warm welcome to the visiting guest and commended the friendly relationship between China and Pakistan. The Counsellor highly praised and admired the fast development of China's economy in recent years. He expressed his will to carry out exchanges and cooperation with the SIPO in the field of intellectual property. Mr. Qiao positively responded to his proposal. Meanwhile, Mr. Qiao introduced to the Counsellor about the situation of IP development in China and related IP agencies in China. The Counsellor also indicated that the Government of Pakistan was considering combining all the IP-related agencies into one competent office so as to increase the efficiency. In the end, Mr. Qiao presented the Counsellor with the 2002 Annual Report of SIPO and the White Paper of China's Situation on IPR Protection.

The both sides expressed the wish to keep in touch, exchange information, and carry out the cooperation between the two countries in the field of intellectual property. 

