Intellectual Property Forum in Guanggu, Wuhan


Sponsored by the State Intellectual Property Office and Wuahn Municipal Government, the 2nd "Wuhan-Guanggu Intellectual Property Forum" was recently held in Wuhai, China. Mr. Tian Lipu, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, Mr. Gu Shengzu, Vice mayor of Wuhan Municipal City delivered the opening speeches before the keynote speeches by the experts.

Participants at the Forum were managers from Wuhan high tech industries, academies, and research and development institutes. The speakers were officials and experts from SIPO, WIPO and the Supreme Court, and their speeches focused on challenges and opportunities for the use of intellectual property and its protection after WTO entry, the product policy, and the market requirement, the judicial protection and use of patent documentation, the security of DVD and development of light electronic technology.  The representatives from the industries and institutes raised many questions. One of the questions was how to solve the difficulties and troubles in spite of the importance they attached to the intellectual property and the achievement they made when it is becoming a strong tendency to protect the intellectual property in the world. The experts and officials answered the questions in details and provided the operational methods.  The participants benefited much from the symposium.

