Changing Public''s View Important to Eradicate Piracy


On April 26, in celebrating the coming second World Intellectual Property Day and publicizing and studying the Computer Software Protection Regulation, the China Software Alliance (CSA) held a media workshop in Beijing.  Wang Huapeng, Director General, Copyright Department of the National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC), Deputy Director General Xu Chao, Zhang Yaoming, Division Director of the Department of Education, Science and Health of the Legal Affairs Commission of the State Council, professionals from the software business and reporters from the mass media attended the workshop.

Newly emerged topics, such as the Relationship between the Computer Software Protection Regulation and China's accession to WTO, end user's legal liability in using pirated software, the protection level of the Regulation were discussed at the workshop.  Some attendant pointed out that the development of the software industry required more than the support from the government in the areas like investment, taxation and attracting elite human resources.  Offering a healthy legal environment for intellectual property protection was also important.  CSA Secretary General Zou Bian stressed: "Piracy severely harms the survival and development of software companies by hindering them from receiving legitimate returns.  The competitiveness of the Chinese software companies is abated." 

It was a consensus in the workshop that it is important to increase the public's awareness of intellectual property protection and enable them to make a habit of it.  The purpose of establishing the World Intellectual Property Day, which was proposed by China and Algeria, was to elevate the public's sensitivity of intellectual property protection, build a healthy social environment and teach people how to obey intellectual property laws and regulations, for example the Computer Software Protection Regulation.  The public's view towards intellectual property will only change when both the activities of cracking down piracy and education are in place.   


