Domestic Activities (2001)


Listed in sequence of occurrence:

On January 1st, SIPO, China Science Association and Tianjin Municipality participated the opening ceremony on "Actively Inventing and Creating, Respecting and Protecting Intellectual Property Rights" proposed and initiated by the youth in Tianjin towards the young people of the whole country.

On January 8th, the State Council circulated the notice that on January 8th, 2001, the State Council appointed Mr. Wang Jingchuan Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office, and meanwhile deposed Ms. Jiangying from Commissioner of the SIPO. On March 20th, Commissioner Wang Jingchuan was appointed Dean of the China Intellectual Property Training Center as well at the Party Meeting of SIPO.

From January 10th to 11th, SIPO held the national meeting on the reform and restructuring of patent agencies in Beijing. Up to December, 204 patent agencies had accomplished the reform and restructuring in the whole country, among which 47 applied for cancellation.

From January 18th to 21st, to carry on the achievements in the "Ninth Five-year" period and score new achievements in the "Tenth Five-year" period, SIPO organized the Expanding Party Meeting with the theme of well-understanding of the situation and planning the future, on which the National Patent Working Plan in the "Tenth Five-year" period was passed on the principle.

From February to December, Leaders of SIPO had respectively made study visit to some provinces, cities and autonomous regions on issues of patent working plan in the "Tenth Five-year" period, accession to WTO and IP protection.

On March 1st, SIPO smoothly carried out adjustment of patent fees.

On March 26th, the State Council circulated the notice to appoint Mr. Tian Lipu and Mr. Lin Binghui as Deputy Commissioner of SIPO.

On March 29th, the China Model Zone for Industrialization of Patented Technologies approved by SIPO was established in Deyang, Sichuan.

On April 12th, SIPO held a conversazione on generic resources, traditional knowledge and folk arts and literature with domestic units in Beijing.

On April 24th, Vice Premier Wen Jiabao listened to the working report made by SIPO and delivered important directions on the development of the national IP work.

During the period of April 26th, SIPO cooperated with related departments of the Central Government to organize a series of activities in the whole country, celebrating the first "World Intellectual Property Day".

At the end of April, SIPO fully launched the electronic edition, proofread and experiment of Application Gazette of Patents for Inventions.

From May to August, SIPO and the State Economic and Trade Commission co-organized six IP training seminars for managers in state-owned large enterprises, in which more than 450 leaders from more than 400 state-owned large enterprises participated.

From June 6th to December, SIPO recruited 155 new examiners, which further created conditions for accelerating patent examination work.

On June 29th, SIPO ceremoniously organized "the 80th Anniversary to Celebrating the Founding of Chinese Communist Party", on which Commissioner Wang Jingchuan made an important speech named "Remembering the History and Creating the Future".

On July 1st, the newly revised Patent Law and its Implementing Rules entered into the force. On the same day, according to the Article 41 of the newly revised Patent Law, "the Reexamination Board of the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office of the Peoples Republic of China" was renamed "the Patent Reexamination Board of the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China".

On July 20th, SIPO organized the foundation ceremony of Patent Information Building (the second-phase of construction project), which will be accomplished by 2003.

In August, in order to fulfil the strategic decisions made by the Party of the Office on accelerating training and selecting patent talents, SIPO for the first time selected 13 staff to be trained on IP laws in the United States.

On August 24, Mr.Xing Shengcai was appointed Dputy Commission to take Mr .Guo Xiaodong's place.

From August 28th to 30th, SIPO held the national meeting on patent administration information in Qinhuangdao, Hebei.

On August 30th, SIPO organized the Seminar on Design Protection and Development of Chinese Enterprises in Beijing and held the Awarding Ceremony for the First Design Competition of China.

On September 21st, SIPO awarded nameplate for Wuhan Donghu IP Model Zone.

From September 21st to 25th, SIPO together with Yunan Provincial Government and China Invention Association co-organized the 13th National Invention Exhibition in Kunming, Yunnan, to which Dr. Kamil Idris, Director General of WIPO, wrote congratulation letter.

On October 1st, the Protection Regulations on Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits of China entered into force.

On November 1st, Commissioner Wang Jingchuan issued Commissioner Orders (No. 13, 14 and 15) to respectively promulgate the Code Standard of Patent Applicants and Patentees (Units), the Code Standard of Patent Agents, and the Standard on Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Lists and E-documents, which will enter into force on January 1st, June 1st, and November 1st respectively.

On November 5th, during the period of the Eighth China Yangling Trading Fair of New and High Agricultural Technologies, on which SIPO was one of the major organizers, SIPO awarded nameplate for Shaanxi Yangling Model Zone for Industrialization of New and High Agricultural Technologies, which was the patent pilot zone, and declared the formal establishment of China Yangling Agricultural IP Information Center.

From November 7th to 8th, SIPO held the national seminar on local network establishment in Chengdu, Sichuan. Up to December ,29 provincial web sites had been established to implement the China Patent Information Project.

On November 26th, SIPO issued and circulated the Decision on Authorizing China Patent Gold Award and China Excellent Patent Award and decided with WIPO to authorize 12 patents for inventions, utility models and designs with China Patent Gold Award. On the same day, SIPO issued the No. 79 bulletin to regulate on the issues of property preservation of patent ap plication rights.

In November, SIPO organized to compile the first China IP Yearbook (2000) to be published, for which Ren Jianxin and Song Jian, Vice Chairmen of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference wrote epigraphs.

On December 10th, to fulfil the obligations and promises after China's accession to WTO, SIPO issued the No. 80 bulletin regarding the extension of the protection term of patents for inventions before 1992 and made according preparation.

On December 17, Commissioner Wang Jingchuan issued the Commissioner Orders (No. 18 and 19) to respectively promulgate the Administration Methods on Recordal of Patent Licensing Contracts (meanwhile to annul the No.12 bulletin of the previous Patent Office of the People's Republic of China promulgated on March 10, 1986,) and the Methods on Patent Administrative Enforcement, both of which will respectively entered into force on January 1st, 2002, and on the same day with the promulgation.

On December 17, SIPO issued and circulated the Notice on the Methods on Reporting Major Patent Cases by Patent Administrative Authorities, the Notice on Several Opinions on Strengthening Local Patent Administrations, the Notice on the Methods on Application for Establishing Patent Receiving Offices, and the Notice on Selecting and Awarding China Best Patent Administrative Authorities.

From December 25th to 27th, SIPO held the National Patent Working Conference in Beijing.

On December 30th, Commissioner Wang Jingchuan issued the Commissioner Order (No. 20) to promulgate the first part of the Format of Forms and Code Standard, Rules on Format and Code, which will enter into force on April 1st, 2002.

In December, SIPO formulated the Special Format of Patent Administrative Enforcement.


