Embryonic Stem Cell----patentable subject matter?


Recently a special seminar was held to discuss the definition of the method of cloning human, patentability of the embryonic Stem cell and adult stem cell and the therapeutic cloning method, the applicable and scientific guidelines to be referred in examining the emerging science and technology. The participants were examiners from the Chemical Examination Department I of the State Intellectual Property Office(SIPO).


The statistics show that SIPO has received 110 patent applications related to human stem cell, of which 15 applications being examined are related to embryonic stem cell.  At the seminar, the examiners held in-depth discussions on the examination of those applications related to embryonic stem cell which are at the stage of substantial examination.  They all believed that this is a brand new area and it requires high standards and technical skills.  It is becoming an essential task to make full use of the current patent examination guidelines and work out scientific and reasonable examination methods with a view to efficient examination of the applications.

