Vice Mayor of Beijing Meets with WIPO Deputy Director General Wang Binying


On May 16th, Yin Hejun, member of the Standing Committee of CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor of Beijing Municipal Government met with Wang Binying, Deputy Director General of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Chen Hongbing, Director of WIPO China Office, Wang Hong, Director General of Beijing Intellectual Property Office, Zhang Qian, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, Fang Baoqing, Deputy Director General of Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce, and Wang Yefei, Deputy Director General of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Copyright joined the meeting.

Yin Hejun reviewed the pragmatic cooperation between Beijing and WIPO during the recent two years and pointed out that since the WIPO China Office settled in Beijing, the exchange between Beijing and WIPO became more intimate and that cooperation in IP field vigorously promoted the building of a science and technology innovation center in Beijing. He also briefed about the basic conditions of construction of "Three Parks and One Area" (Zhongguancun Science Park, Huairou Science and Education Park, Beijing Future Science Park and Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area) and said that Beijing has been paying much attention to IP work and adheres to the standards of capital to promote various tasks. He wished that both parties further consolidate the relations based on the memorandum of cooperation and deepen the cooperation in aspects such as IP international registration (application), technical innovation, personnel training and dispute settlement. 

Wang Binying expressed her sincere thanks to the strong support of Beijing Municipal Government for the WIPO China Office. She said that Beijing has made fruitful achievements in intellectual property and that WIPO is willing to carry out more extensive and in-depth cooperation with Beijing to expose more of its IP and innovation resources to Beijing, which can help build Beijing into a national scientific and technological innovation center with global impact. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version) 
