Beijing: Intellectual Property Mediation Center Opens


China Daily -- A center to mediate intellectual property disputes opened in Beijing on Thursday, in an effort to provide effective solutions and greater IP protection.

The center, jointly operated by the China Law Society's Chinese Law Counseling Center and the Intellectual Property Law Association, will seek to improve the country's IP environment, according to Cui Xuefeng, its director.

"In recent years, China has attracted more foreign investment, which has brought a boom in IP disputes," Cui said.

"Such disputes cannot just be resolved in the courts. Instead, different solutions should be made full use of and play their role in the industry."

Most of the IP professionals employed by the center are senior judges who have more than 10 years experience handling IP cases.

"We are hoping to ask them to form a think tank that would be able to help more people solve their IP problems, such as by explaining IP verdicts and analyzing IP knowledge," Cui said.

In future, the center will invite more experts, such as entrepreneurs, to share their experiences with IP disputes, he added.

More than 300 guests witnessed the establishment of the center on Thursday afternoon, including professors specializing in IP law and representatives of legal service institutions.
