Guangdong: A School-enterprise Fructose R&D to be Built in Zhanjiang


Dec.12 (China Daily) -- The Guangdong Medical University (GMU) signed a cooperation agreement with Guangdong Spring-young Bio-technology on Dec 5 at its Zhanjiang campus to jointly establish a research center on fructose-based pharmaceutical products.

Zhangjiang-based Guangdong Spring-young Bio-technology has been carrying out plant Polysaccharide R&D and pharmaceutical products and technology R&D since 2011.

The center will study and research fructose, or fruit sugar's, value in healthcare and pharmacology. A series of products such as nutritious foods, dietary supplements, and generic drugs will be developed, suitable for people with diabetes or allergies, according to the cooperative.

"We hope to develop our fructose oral solutions with independent intellectual property rights, to take place of injections," said Wu Tie, professor and chief expert at the research center.

GMU, established in 1958, is a medical institution which offers a full range of programs on clinical medicine, public hygiene, and biology at graduate and undergraduate levels. It was ranked among the first 100 percent of global institutions by ESI (Essential Science Indicators), a universally accepted standard, this January.

GMU President Lu Jinghui hopes that the university will improve its scientific research through cooperation with the enterprise.

Deng Hechao, general manager of Guangdong Spring-young Bio-technology, said that as China's first high-tech enterprise mass producing GMO (genetically modified organism)-free fructose products, their company was glad to cooperate with one of Guangdong's greatest medical schools. It is hoped joint efforts can be made in product research and extending the industrial chain.
