Hunan: Make Preparations to Build IP Service Alliance


Dec.5 -- Recently, a preparatory meeting was held concerning the building of the Hunan Intellectual Property(IP) Service Alliance. 11 intellectual property service agencies from fields such as IP information, IP trading, IP agency, and investment and safeguarding of intellectual property rights (IPR) attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the Proposal Concerning Setting up the Hunan Intellectual Property Service Alliance was released. As initiators, the 11 agencies expressed their supports to and willingness to participate in setting up the alliance. They later reviewed the Draft Constitutions of the Hunan Intellectual Property Service Alliance and the Protocol of the Initiators of the Hunan Intellectual Property Service Alliance and offered suggestions on the mission, working mechanism and development direction of the alliance.  

Person-in-charge of the Hunan Intellectual Property Service Alliance said that the building of the alliance could mobilize more regulative activities concerning the industry, establish a more comprehensive service chain, promote collaborative cooperation among the service agencies and build a high efficient work pattern for the protection and utilization of IPR. To be specific, it could: 1) accomplish tasks and conquer difficulties which would form barriers for individual organizations, such as policy support and the establishment of a service standard system, IP services involving key technology breakthrough in the process of innovation and upgrade within regions and the industry, resources for IP trading and the establishment of value evaluation mechanism and 2) build a large-scale and powerful union with its integrated advantaged resources, provide consultation service for key enterprises during their IP operation and the process of transformation and upgrade, promote safer and more scientific strategic decisions, conduct researches and exploration on the advantaged industry resources in cities and districts of Hunan and operation and protection of IPR. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
