Shenyang: Transforming Scientific Achievements in Shenyang


Nov.30 (China Daily) -- Shenyang International Software Park recently held a matchmaking meeting for transforming scientific achievements and boosting cooperation among industries, universities and research institutes, with the aim of shortening the amount of time businesses spend on research; speeding up the process of developing marketable products.

Li Hui, vice general manager of Shenyang International Software Park–the biggest software industry cluster hub in Shenyang city–pointed out that the transformation of scientific achievements has been an important job for governments and businesses for a long time.

Compared with the same work conducted in southern China, northern China has presented with many difficulties. Shenyang International Software Park hoped to serve as a bridge for the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Northeast University, Zhongguancun Science Park and Liaoning province's academician workstation to conduct exchanges and cooperation.

Meanwhile, Shenyang International Software Park will take advantage of think tanks in Northeast China to help businesses develop core technologies with proprietary intellectual property rights, to further upgrade Shenyang's industries.

The matchmaking event is only one step Shenyang International Software Park has taken to boost the transformation of scientific achievements; it will further invite those responsible for scientific achievements in universities and scientific institutes to display their achievements in the park, and provide business representatives with an opportunity for face-to-face communication and negotiations with universities and institutes.
