Jiangsu: Zhenjiang IP Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Platform Established


Nov.16 -- Recently, the Jiangsu Zhenjiang Intellectual Property Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Platform was officially established.

The Platform is composed of four zones: the Basics of Intellectual Property Zone, the Practical Training of Patent Navigation Zone, the Intellectual Property Innovative Experience Zone and the Intellectual Property Entrepreneurship Incubation Zone. The Basics of Intellectual Property Zone demonstrates basic intellectual property (IP) knowledge through means such as multimedia and virtual experience which grasp the profoundness of knowledge while being easy to understand, combining teaching with recreation; the Patent Navigation Practical Training Zone carries the cultivation of professional personnel as its goal to promote national IP development; the Intellectual Property Innovative Experience Zone, using "Innovation and Experience" as the mainline, provides people the opportunity to experience the process of realizing their ideas into innovative reality and the Intellectual Property Entrepreneurship Incubation Zone, with the theme of "Entrepreneurship and Service," provides a friendly environment for entrepreneurs to start up and incubate companies.

Relying on the National Intellectual Property Training Center and the Intellectual Property Research Center of Jiangsu Province, the Platform gives full play to the national patent operation pilot enterprises as node in the "1+2+20+N" patent operation service system. It employs the Industry-University-Research Cooperation mode to open up a value chain in which industry cooperates with innovation and connects the source of innovation with resources of the industry. Using IP as a bond, the platform illustrates the relationship between people, innovation and the industry and explores the value of IP in promoting innovation and industry development. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
