Liaoning: The 2016 Patent Information Practical Personnel and IPR Protection Strategies for Enterprises in Key Areas Training Course Held in Dalian


Nov.16 -- Recently, the 2016 Patent Information Practical Personnel and IPR Protection Strategies for Enterprises in Key Areas Training Course was held in Dalian. Deputy Director of the Liaoning Intellectual Property Office Xue Jun attended the opening ceremony. 

During the training, from the perspectives of enhancing intellectual property (IP) awareness and building an IP-strong country, Deputy Director of the Committee for Social and Legal Affairs of the Liaoning Provincial CPPCC Hu Quanlin and Dean of the College of Intellectual Property of the Dalian University of Technology Tao Xinliang gave analysis on patent information retrieval, the analysis and application of patent information, strategies for enterprises to protect Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in patent lawsuits and related case analysis and how to employ IP to escort scientific innovation. They offered great insights on raising the professional standards and service ability of the patent information practical personnel in Liaoning province, strengthening the utilization and transmission of patent information and promoting the scientific innovation and economic development in the local area. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
