Hainan: Joint Conference System for IP Strategy Implementation Set up


Oct.28 -- Recently, the 68th executive meeting of the sixth session of the Hainan Provincial Government agreed to establish a joint conference system for IP strategy implementation (hence forward abbreviated as "Joint Conference") as the province's deliberation and coordination agency. The Joint Conference will be convened by the vice-governor in charge of intellectual property (IP) affairs of the Hainan Provincial Government, and deputy secretary general of the provincial government assisting in IP affairs together with deputy director-general of the province's Science and Technology Agency (commissioner of the Intellectual Property Office of Hainan Province) will be the deputy convenors of the Joint Conference. Leaders in charge of IP affairs from member organizations will attend the Joint Conference as participants.

The establishment of the Joint Conference aims to optimize the distribution of resources of the related intellectual property offices, accelerate the implementation of the province's IP strategy and provide strong supports and guarantee for promoting the innovation-driven development strategy as well as the building of an IP-strong province. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
