Hubei: "Demand-oriented" Intellectual Property Training Mode Builds


Oct.11 -- To enhance the pertinence, practicability and effectiveness of intellectual property (IP) training, integrate it into the development process of enterprises and the industry, accelerate the implementation of intellectual property rights (IPR) of innovative outcomes and the utilization and protection of IPR and effectively promote the building of a IP-strong province, the Hubei Intellectual Property Bureau is actively building "Demand-oriented" IP training mode featuring "refined, accurate and flexible."

"Refined" is mainly reflected in the scope of the training, which fans out from a point to an area, covering the weakness zones of the trainee and gives play to the effect of their areas of strength; "Accurate" is mainly reflected in the content of the training and the training team: targeted training activities are provided which have been tailored to the reality of the participating enterprises and trainees; and "flexible" is mainly reflected in the form of the training, which opens up a constructive communication and service channel that would help find the therapy to the symptom of the industry.

"Demand-oriented" IP training has been welcomed in many places and by many enterprises and institutions. Participants of the training course said that the training was targeted and practical, and that it not only enhanced their IPR awareness, but also provided practical instructions on improving their IP work. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
