Henan: China Zhengzhou (Creative Industry) IPR Rapid Aid Center Established


Sep.14 -- Recently, the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C (SIPO) issued an official document replying to the Request of the Intellectual Property Office of Henan Province to Apply for the Establishment of the China Zhengzhou (Creative Industry) IPR Rapid Aid Center, approving that the center be established.

Located in the National Intellectual Property and Creative Industry Pilot Park, the China Zhengzhou (Creative Industry) IPR Rapid Aid Center carries out businesses in fast authorization, intellectual property rights (IPR) confirmation and IPR protection for design applications throughout the province. Combing the existing platform of the Pilot Park, it creates a complete and systemic service-chain for intellectual property (IP), hence satisfying the development need of the Pilot Park as well as the expectations of the enterprises. In this way, the "Two-way Integration" of the IP & creative industries will be effectively promoted, and the industrial restructuring and optimization and upgrade of Zhengzhou and Henan Province will also be greatly promoted. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
