Shenzhen: IP Supporting Policies Issue


Aug.16 -- Recently, the municipal Party committee and municipal people's government printed and distributed notifications of Implementations on Promoting Scientific Innovation and Implementations on Supporting Enterprises to Enhance their Competiveness, policies which will greatly support the enterprises to develop their intellectual property rights (IPR).
According to the notifications, high-quality patents having been maintained for seven years or more will be awarded; high-end intellectual property (IP) institutions, either from domestic or overseas, are welcomed; enterprises are encouraged to conduct IPR defending activities overseas and to establish monitoring mechanism for IP big data; integrated IP service platform will be built and IP operation fund are to be established; IP operating agencies will gain support.

In practice, a series of measures will take place, including: 1) to award high-quality invention patents domestic and overseas; 2) to support the import of high-end IP institutions domestic and overseas; 3) to promote the implementation work of the Enterprise Intellectual Property Management Standard; 4) to support the development of IP operating agencies; 5) to reimburse bad debt of IP pledge; 6) to promote the establishment of IP service platform; 7) to support enterprises to conduct IPR defending activities overseas and 8) to support the establishment of monitoring mechanism for IP big data.

To better build an IP demonstration city and create an international IP pioneering city, Shenzhen is now issuing such favorable policies as to motivate and guide the enterprises to create, utilize, manage and protect IP at a higher level. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
