Henan: Training Course on Patent Law Enforcement and IPR Protection in E-commerce Held


Aug.16 -- Recently, hosted by the Intellectual Property Office of Henan Province, patent law enforcement and IPR protection special action in the e-commerce area and practical training course was held in Zhengzhou, Henan. Deputy Director the Intellectual Property Office of Henan Province Han Ping attended the opening ceremony of the course.

Han Ping pointed out that the infringement and counterfeit of patents in the e-commerce area were becoming more and more frequent; it is crucial that the patent law enforcement and IPR protection works be done properly to guarantee the market order and protect the rights and interests of the customers. So far, several special actions on patent law enforcement have been conducted in Henan Province to crack down infringement and counterfeit in the e-commerce area, which has established a "fast response, quick strike and make-fast" mechanism, effectively containing the infringement of patents. Yet to create a safer e-commerce environment for the patent holders, innovators, investors and customers, more efforts should be done in the following four aspects by key leaders of law enforcement: 1) to strengthen the publicity work of patent law enforcement special action in the e-commerce area; 2) to systematically establish an internal monitoring mechanism for the protection of patent; 3) to strengthen the law enforcement on patent infringement and counterfeit and the mediating work of patent infringement in the e-commerce area and 4) to popularize the IPR hotline "12330". (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
