Changchun: IP Office Attends International Automobile Expo and Conducts IPR Aids


Aug.9 -- The 13th China Changchun International Automobile Expo opened at the Changchun International Conference & Exhibition Center recently. With duration of 10 days, it ended successfully on the 24th of July. During the expo, the Changchun Intellectual Property Office and China (Changchun) Intellectual Property Aid Center set reception desks to provide consultations on issues concerning intellectual property rights (IPR) and to accept complaints about IPR infringements and exposure of forged patents.

42 people raised questions to staffs from the China (Changchun) Intellectual Property Aid Center. Over 200 pieces of materials were distributed to exhibitors and visitors of the expo for the popularization and promotion of IPR knowledge.

Staffs in charge of the expo said that the China (Changchun) Intellectual Property Aid Center not only provided people a convenient channel to bring lawsuits, but also offered legal insights to the exhibitors and raised their IPR protection awareness: to learn, understand and abide by the laws. Through conducting enforcement and inspection works of IP law, it advanced and promoted the soft environment for investment in Jilin Province, and accelerated the improvement of the public's innovative awareness and created an agreeable legal environment for IP which would benefit the automobile industry in the province and attract foreign businesses and investment. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
