Hubei: IP Education Pilot Program in Primary and Secondary Schools Launches


Aug.5 -- Recently, together with Hubei Provincial Department of Education, Hubei Intellectual Property Bureau issued a notification concerning conducting intellectual property (IP) education pilot program in primary and secondary schools throughout the province, which marked that the IP education pilot work in primary and secondary schools throughout the province was officially launched.
Opinions of Hubei Provincial People's Government on Accelerating the Building of an Intellectual Property Power House clearly stipulates that, it is important to conduct wide-range IP universal education in primary and secondary schools. To serve this purpose, Hubei Provincial Department of Education and Hubei Intellectual Property Bureau have formulated The Work Program for IP Education Pilot Demonstration of Primary and Secondary Schools in Hubei. According to the Work Program, Hubei Provincial Department of Education and Hubei Intellectual Property Bureau will provide support to primary and secondary schools in aspects such as funding, education resources, training and communication and publicity work. 20-30 schools have been selected as the first batch of schools to conduct the pilot work, as they have relatively good basis for IP education work and an enthusiasm for IP education. IP education work, publicity work and practices and activities will be held in these schools, with the purpose of raising the standardization and systematic levels of IP education work in primary and secondary schools. By 2020, an estimated of 30-50 schools are expected to become "Provincial IP Demonstration School" which have relatively complete IP working system and evident results for IP education work.

The application for the first batch of IP education pilot schools have already started, and will end on September 10th. (Translated from SIPO Website Chinese Version)
