Gansu: Patent Pledge Financing Reaches over 112 Million Yuan in the First Half Year of 2016


Jul.26 -- According to statistics of the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C. (SIPO), from January to the middle of June, 2016, Gansu's patent pledge financing reached 112 million yuan, which increased 32 million yuan compared to the same period last year, breaking record high. It was a reflection of the favorable trend in which intellectual property (IP) financing services were promoting the innovative development of enterprises.

In the first half year of 2016, the Gansu Provincial Intellectual Property Office was actively promoting the patent pledge financing work of enterprises and earnestly implementing the Opinions of the State Intellectual Property Office on Further Promoting Financial Services Relating to Intellectual Property Rights and Methods for Patent Pledge Financing for Medium Small and Micro-sized Enterprises in Gansu Province. It also conducted interpretation and transmission of the IP mortgage financing policy for enterprises and finished handing over of the patent pledge loan servics with enterprises. According to statistics, more than 10 banks and financial service intuitions throughout the province have launched patent pledge loan services to enterprises, hence opening a new financial channel for middle and small-sized enterprises within the province and promoted the enterprises' innovation-driven development. (Translated from SIPO Website)
