Gansu: IP Office Carries out Supervision of Patent Administrative Law Enforcement in Two Cities


Jul.11 -- Law enforcement officials from the Department of Policies and Regulations of Gansu Provincial Intellectual Property Office carried out supervision of patent administrative law enforcement and implemented jointed law enforcement inspection on commodity circulation in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture and Dingxi City from June 29 to 30, in accordance with the requirements of Work System of Gansu Provincial Intellectual Property Office on Patent AdministrativeLaw Enforcement Supervision and Supervision of the Handling of Cases. Efforts were made to implement the work arrangement from the State Council to fight against counterfeit and defective products and to accelerate the construction of patent administration and law enforcement system at grass-roots level. It would improve the capability of cases handling and facilitate the provincial special project of law enforcement and rights protection.

During the supervision, law enforcement officials also carried out publicity and offered consultancy on intellectual property. Efforts were made to conduct businesses to identify patented product, to regulate patent signs, to prevent counterfeit and defective products from entering into the market, and to protect the legal rights of right holders and customers. (Translated from SIPO Website) 
