Shanghai: Patent Insurance Pilot Program in Huangpu District Launches


Jul.8 -- A patent insurance pilot program in Huangpu District, Shanghai launched officially recently. Wu Cheng, Member of the Standing Committee and Vice Governor of the People's Government of Huangpu District, and staff from Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration attended the launch ceremony and delivered speeches. Guests also attended the ceremony including representatives from enterprises and officials from Shanghai Huangpu District Commission of Commerce, Commission of Science and Technology, Bureau of Justice, Bureau of Culture, Bureau of Market Supervision and Management, and Financial Services Office of Huangpu District, Shanghai.
At the launch ceremony, the Huangpu Intellectual Property Administration gave an introduction on the preparatory work and future plan of the patent insurance pilot program in Huangpu District. A representative from Anxin Agriculture Insurance Co., Ltd. introduced details about patent insurance products. Five enterprises and public institutions signed insurance contracts with Anxin Agriculture Insurance Co., Ltd.

New requirements were put forward to further explore new means for intellectual property rights protection, to broaden channels for integration between intellectual property and insurance services and to establish patent insurance model that conforms to requirements of corporate intellectual property rights. (Translated from SIPO Website)
