Xi'an: Training on IPR Protection for Tech Enterprises Held in Xi'an


BEIJING, Apr.8 (SIPO) -- Recently, a training on IPR protection for technology enterprises was held in Xi’an Science and Technology Market. Over 70 people, including lawyers, intellectual property (IP) division directors and legal department staffs of the city’s technology enterprises, attended the training course.

The training featured two topics, namely, 1) basics and skills in patent lawsuit, and 2) IPR defending skills and how to do patent infringement analysis and give judgement. Focusing on the two topics, experts firstly introduced the nature of IPR. By pointing out that it is by nature a private right, they demonstrated the basic guidelines for IPR lawsuits at home and abroad, and common practices in safeguarding legal rights and defending. Following that, they then analyzed the current domestic situation of patent infringement proceedings, made clear of the rights of a patentee based on patent laws, and presented judgment guidelines and corresponding strategies for intellectual infringement in patent lawsuits via classic cases. In the end, experts elaborated on the situations and needs for enterprises to defend their IPR.
