Shanghai FTZ Seized the First Import Trademark Infringement Case


News from Shanghai Customs authorities reveal that a trademark infringement case involving 10,164 pairs of counterfeit shoes, worth 5 million yuan, has been seized in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone (Shanghai FTZ). This is the first IPR infringement case involving imported goods the Shanghai Customs authorities has seized in Shanghai FTZ.

According to a routine report from Germany Hamburg Customs authorities this January, a consignment of Nike shoes have been exported from China to Germany and then imported back to China by a China-based company. This irregular deal brought to the attention of Shanghai Customs authorities. After examination and investigation, these 10,164 pairs of shoes with Nike and hook figure have violated Nike's registered Nike trademark, and the infringement was confirmed by Nike Company. According to a representative from Shanghai Customs authorities, the law-breakers tried to escape regulations under the quick customs clearance preferential policy. Up to now, this case has been handed over to police.

Statistics show that, in 2014, Shanghai Customs has seized 461 IPR infringement case, involving 35.75 million goods, worth44.62 million yuan, five times more than those in 2013. Also, in the first quarter this year, Shanghai Customs seized 69 IPR infringement cases, involving 2.9 million goods.  

(China IP News)
