IP Brief (08/04/2015)



On March 27th, Shanghai IP Court heard its first case in public. By then, nearly 300 such cases including 80% counterfeiting dispute cases and 20% contract dispute cases were received in Shanghai IP Court.


By the end of December 2014, Liaoning abtained 13 new plant varieties. By then, Liaoning had applied for 517 new plant varieties and 299 of them were granted, ranking the 6th of the country.


Recently, Jiangsu IP office published its issues of IP works of the province in 2015. Accordingly, Jiangsu will pay more attention on high value patents and IP operation in 2015.


Recently, Fujian issued the list of 2014 Fujian Patent Awards. One outstanding winner, 3 first prize winners, 10 second prize winners and 30 third prize winners were awarded.

(China IP News)
