IP Brief (05/07/2014)



Recently, the Beijing Intellectual Property Office and the Beijing Municipal People's Government Information Office jointly held the Beijing Intellectual Property Protection News  Release Conference. It is reported that in 2013 Beijing patent applications and grants made new records, as 123,300 and 62,600 respectively, with an increase of 33.6% and 24.1%.


In the Work Conference of Combating IPR Infringement and Counterfeit in 2014 held in Shanghai lately, it's reported that last year the administrative enforcement departments in Shanghai investigated 9,482 infringement and counterfeiting cases involving 207 million yuan, and destroyed 357 dens selling fake goods.


The "2014 Guizhou Patent Development Strategy Implement Plan" put into effect recently. It contains 10 topics and 15 key tasks, such as enhancing patent regulations, constructing patent quality system, intellectual property protection campaigns and development of intellectual property services.


In the national patent agent qualification exam of 2013, 10 persons from Ningxia passed the exam and qualified for Patent Agent. It's the best result so far.

(China IP News)
