IP Brief



Recently, "Jiangsu intellectual property", the government micro blog of Jiangsu Intellectual Property Office, fomally made its appearance in Sina.

From now on, Jiangsu Intellectual Property Office will timely release information of its measures and progress via the micro blog, providing internet users a wealth of government information.


Recently, Henan patent administrative enforcement seminar was held. Nearly 80 principals from 18 cities and counties attended the seminar.

During the seminar, principals of Henan Intellectual Property Office put forward clear requirements on the next work of patent administrative enforcement.


Recently, 2013 Hubei Intellectual Property publicity conference was held, in which advanced units and individuals in IPR publicity were awarded.

At the meeting, issues such as how to improve IPR publicity in Hubei province were discussed.


Recently, Xiamen Intellectual Property Office invited some senior professionals from Jiangsu province to train the IP pilot and demonstration enterprises in Xiamen city how to implement IP standards.

During the training, issues such as how to regulate IP management were given full explanation.

(China IP News)
