IP Brief



According to the enforcement advice on accelerating the development of high technology service industry put forward by Shandong province, 9 industry including IPR service will be given support.

The advice put forward that efforts should be spent in accelerating development of IPR service industry, implementation of IPR strategy, promoting progress of IPR creation, utilization, protection, management and commercialization.


Henan IP Office recently published the program for 2013 IPR campaign for industrial agglomerations.

According to the program, Henan province has regarded 2 to 3 new industrial agglomerations with IPR advantages in 2013. By the end of 2013, more than 70% of the enterprises in 20 industrial agglomerations will eliminate zero patent and more than 60% of the enterprises in 2 to 3 industrial agglomerations will eliminate zero invention patent.


Hubei Wuhan IP office recently held a conference on Wuhan IPR Report Complaint and Assistance. In 2012, Wuhan IP office has received 74 IPR complaints via 12330 hotline and 15 aid applications.


Chengdu High-tech Zone in Sichuan province has recently been affirmed as National IPR Model Park from 2013 to 2015.

In 2012, Chengdu High-tech Zone filed 11,155 patents, 4,042 of which were inventions and 9,645 were filed by enterprises, up 40.9 and 48.2% respectively;6,621 were granted, 1,095 of which were inventions, up 40.4%.

(China IP News)
