Growing Center for International Tech Transfer in Haidian


Haidian district in Beijing has achieved significant progress in education, environmental protection and scientific research and innovation over the past 20 years, and has become a national innovation center, said one of its officials.

As it is increasing international exchanges and cooperation in technologies and intellectual property rights, the district is making full use of its edge in innovation and aims to be a key global technology transfer center that is growing to international status, the official noted.

"With the Zhongguancun innovation demonstration zone, Haidian boasts many distinct advantages in technological innovation, which set it apart from other areas in the capital city." said Sun Wenkai, acting chief of Haidian district government, on a parallel session of 2012 Zhongguancun Forum. "We are confident to be a pioneer in construction of a pivotal international technology transfer center in the country."

The district boasts China's first national innovation demonstration zone, Haidian Science Park, which is expected to become a truly world-class high-tech center with international influence by the end of 2015.

Companies in the park enjoy many preferential policies from the central government in scientific research and development.

Haidian is home to more than 16,000 companies working in various aspects of technology - 4,100 of them fully high-tech, 60 percent of the total number in Beijing.

It has arrangements and joint efforts with 33 prestigious colleges and 50 State-level labs that produce a large number of research results and important technologies every year. Recent examples are human genome sequencing and supercomputer technology.

Some breakthroughs have already been commercialized in Japan, Sweden and Hong Kong following technology transactions, valuable experiences in developing an international technology transfer center, Sun noted.

In addition to traditional financing methods provided to large companies and startups, the district's online financing service carries products on offer by lenders and the needs of companies.

A growing number of talented professionals and steady financial backing continue to boost Haidian's high-tech industry. Last year its companies in the sector generated 877 billion yuan ($140.5 billion) in total revenue.

Today emerging industries such as biomedicine and integrated circuit design and manufacture are also flourishing. Increasing numbers of foreign companies, institutions and associations have offices or China headquarters in the district.

To further promote establishment of an international technology transfer center, the district government has increased its investment for innovation, with nearly 18.5 billion yuan spent in the first six months of this year alone, 24 percent up over the same period of last year.

It also encourages companies to undertake major scientific research projects to strengthen their innovation capabilities.

The international technology transfer center now has 21 service agencies and has helped 11 sign contracts worth 53 billion yuan. The number of service agencies is expected to reach 100 by the end of next year, said Sun.

The Haidian district government is also planning to build a new science park in the north of the district that will serve national strategic industries such as navigation services and next-generation Internet technologies.

(Source: China Daily)
