Innovation Experts Meet in Zhongguancun


As a high-end international conference, the Zhongguancun Forum aims to help turn the Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone into a globally recognized center for technological progress.

The annual event covers the fields of finance, global economy, policies, science, technology, innovation and intellectual property rights to serve as a bridge of communication and inspiration for influential figures.

Though all of the forums are generally based on a theme of innovation and development, each year's event has a special focus to distinguish it from others.

Under a theme of innovation, cooperation and development, the first session in 2007 gathered 400 delegates from more than 30 science and technology parks worldwide.

A highlight of the event was a joint statement issued by participants expressing their desire to resolve problems presented by population, resource constraints and environmental degradation. Together, they committed to boosting global civilization through cooperation and innovation.

For the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Zhongguancun High-Tech Zone in 2008, the theme was Science and Technology - Global Innovative Challenges. The forum consisted of four parts - technological development trends, world innovation regions, creative collaboration and mutually beneficial partnerships, and science and finance.

It pulled in nearly 1,000 people, including Nobel Prize winners, presidents of China's most prestigious colleges, executives of Fortune 500 companies and representatives from 53 high-tech industry zones.

The following year, the topic was Innovation, Ventures and Entrepreneurship. The organizers held five parallel seminars, the first of which focused on intellectual property strategy and protection.

In addition, the major topics for discussion also included low carbon and green economy, financial innovation, and global collaboration. Speakers included Gregory Becker, president of the US Silicon Valley Bank, and Liu Chuanzhi, president of China's Lenovo Group.

A memorandum of cooperation was signed during the event between the Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone and South Korea's Daegu Gyeongbuk Free Trade Zone.

The 2010's forum was upgraded both in terms of level and scale, according to the organizing committee.

Under the theme Fountainhead for Strategic Emerging Industries, the forum drew about 2,000 participants, who exchanged ideas on the so-called Internet of Things, cloud computing, the challenges faced by the Chinese pharmaceutical industry as well as creativity industry and its major trends.

Driven by Innovation was the theme of last year's event, which invited around 2,500 people, including more Nobel laureates and executives from the world's top companies.

Topics such as the relationship between creativity and talent as well as branding, financing and IPR protection were involved in their conversations. Speakers included Wan Gang, minister of Science and Technology, and Hartmut Michel, the Nobel laureate in chemistry.

(Source: China Daily)
