IP Brief



The first Animation Beijing was recently held in Beijing, which attracted a number of local cartoon companies. Several theme activities were held during the four-day event, such as national animation and gaming promotion conference, the 2nd IDO animation carnival, animation song concert, cartoonist seminar and role experience of cartoon and gaming.


Guangdong Province recently introduced the Plan on Guangdong Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium 2012. According to the plan, Guangdong aims to build itself into an IPR-laden province, improve capacity to create IPR, realize the value of IPR, strengthen protection, enhance ability to manage IPR, build service platforms, cultivate IPR talents, promote IPR cultural construction and deepen cooperation and exchanges.


In the first half of 2012, Shandong filed 12,057 invention patents, up 28.99%, representing 23.88% of the total. Of all the patents granted during the period, 3,656 were for inventions, representing 11.27%, up 28.6%. Shandong ranks the No. 6 in China in terms of invention filings and grants.


Latest news shows that notable achievements have been made since the implementation of Hainan Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium. From 2010 to June 2012, Hainan filed 3,210 patent applications, among that number,  1,635 for inventions, representing 28% and 50.9% respectively. Hainan obtained 1,994 patents, 637 of which were for inventions, representing 31.6% and 31.9% respectively. Statistics show that 1.03 invention patent was granted to each million residents in Hainan in 2012, up from 0.29 in 2009.

(China IP News)
