Hong Kong: HK, Guangdong Mark 10 yrs as Partners


Hong Kong and Guangdong IP authorities celebrated the 10th anniversary of cooperation between the two sides.

Since 2003, the two sides have co-held a seminar on IP and development of small and medium-sized enterprises, an event that has taken place in many cities of Guangdong, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Dongguan and benefited more than 2,000 companies.

Uniform standards for IP management co-released by the Guangdong provincial IP office and HK Productivity Council began to take effect in October 2010.

And during a campaign to fight counterfeits and piracy nationwide that lasted from November 2010 to June 2011, the two sides further enhanced their already close ties and initiated an operation named "Sea Dragon". Guangdong customs investigated 43 infringements involving HK and Macao, and HK customs handled 13 cases of infringement. The move was listed among the 10 major national IP protection events of last year.

(Source: China Daily)
