Zhongguancun Special: Small Companies with Big Ideas and Products


More than 100 companies based in Zhongguancun are on show as the national technology and innovation hub joins in the 15th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo.

Many of them small-and medium-sized, the companies cover a wide range of fields from the traditional IT industry to emerging sectors such as environment protection, life sciences and artificial intelligence.

But they have one thing in common - they all have paid great attention to innovation.

State-owned Beijing Zhongkuang Environmental Protection Science and Technology Co Ltd is the only one in China to specialize in thick solid waste treatment and utilization.

The company uses world-class technologies to transform the thick mud into fuel that is burned to generate electricity.

With 15 offices nationwide, the company has provided solutions and engineering for more than 300 clients across the country in about 20 industries including coal processing, electricity, paper manufacturing and municipal infrastructure construction.

Technologies developed by Zhongkuang can also be employed to treat the sticky wastes from textile factories, printing houses and dyeing mills.

The company has been granted 30 patents, including six for inventions. An additional 16 patent applications are now under public review.

Tinavi Medical Technologies Co Ltd is a leading national medical equipment maker that focuses on orthopedic robots.

In 2010, the company was granted the license for its orthopedic navigation robot from the State Food and Drug Administration, the first medical robot licensed in China and the fifth in the world following companies from the United States, Sweden and Israel.

Before the invention, patients with thighbone fractures would need 50 to 60 X-rays before surgery, but thanks to the orthopedic navigation robot only about 15 are now needed.

The robot can also save surgery time and improve precision.

Another highlight of the expo is Beijing Vion Technology Inc, a company specializing in the development of smart video analyzers that use artificial intelligence technologies.

Its products include high-definition traffic monitoring systems, intelligent security systems and automatic visitor tabulation systems.

The systems can help police monitor traffic volume, find cars in the wrong lanes and detect suspicious incidents by analyzing people's behavior.

The company's products have been installed in many of the nation's key venues such as the Shanghai World Expo and the National Center for the Performing Arts, and also used for public transportation facilities in many cities.

(Source: China Daily)
