Jaguar Awarded 6.08 Million Yuan over Trademark Infringement


Zhejiang Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court entered a first-instance judgment on the Jaguar trademark case between the luxury auto maker Jaguar Cars Limited Company's (Jaguar) and  five companies in Hangzhou recently, ordering the defendants to pay Jaguar 6.08 million yuan in damages.

Jaguar claimed it has obtained it trademark of Jaguar and Jaguar animal figure in 1992 and use all of them on leather, garments, glasses, ties and other goods.

After discovering the counterfeit clothes tagged with "Jaguar " trademark sold by Hangzhou Jiage Clothing Ltd.Co, Jaguar brought the case to Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court on the ground of trademark infringement, sought 6.38 million yuan in damages and asked the court to transfer the disputed website "" to Jaguar.

The court held such acts infringed Jaguar's trademark rights and rendered the above decision.


(China IP News)
