Beijing: IP Strategy Priority on Work Agenda


For the first time, implementation of the national intellectual property (IP) strategy is listed as a priority on the central government's current work agenda, according to a senior official.

Building an innovation-friendly environment that protects IP is increasingly important to economic transformation, especially over the next five years, Tian Lipu, commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), said at a April 20 ceremony to launch the nation's annual week-long IP campaign.

Following the ceremony, a high-level forum discussed IP's role in strategic industries, technological innovation and trade, as well as in the service sector.

This year's forum co-hosted by SIPO, the National Development and Reform Commission and the ministries of commerce, science and technology, and industry and information technology attracted nearly 300 participants.

More scrutiny of online sales

Nine central government departments have announced an increased effort to fight online counterfeits and piracy.

Designed to further strengthen a crackdown on Internet IP infringements mounted at the end of last year, the April 21 announcement urges local authorities across the country enhance supervision of online shopping portals.

Websites listed - including Taobao, Eachnet and Paipai - need to establish a trade and patent inquiry system and use technical means to screen out false information and goods, according to the notice.

(Source: China Daily)
