Zhejiang: Sino-EU Deal on Geographic Marks


A China-EU pilot project will soon protect 10 renowned European product names like Prosciutto di Parma ham and Comt cheese with geographical indication (GI) trademarks.

Ten Chinese product names including Longjing tea and Shaanxi Ping Guo apples will then have GI status in the EU.

The news was released after Sun Dawei, vice-minister of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, met EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Ciolos in Hangzhou on March 22.

"Giving great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights, the Chinese government established and improved its GI system, followed by a mutually recognized mechanism with the international community," Sun said.

"This unprecedented project marks the first time a large number of non-EU product names have been proposed for geographical indications in the EU," said Ciolos.

He said he was impressed by the Chinese government's commitment to agricultural products and regional specialties in China.

"The experience from the pilot project will form the basis for broader cooperation in the future," he added.

(Source: China Daily)
