Chengdu Makes China's First Copyright Model City


At the Third IPR and City Development Mayor Forum held in Chengdu, Sichuan on November 22, the relevant principal of National Copyright Bureau announced the decision of making Chengdu the China's first copyright model city, indicating Chengdu has achieved palpable results in copyright after 19 months' hard working.

Chengdu has achieved remarkable results in copyright system development by attaching a great importance to copyright protection and incorporated copyright protection into the city's integrated plan, a relevant principal of Chengdu Copyright Bureau said. According to preliminary statistics, Chengdu's software industry, press and publication industry, and broadcasting, film and TV industry earn 62.8 billion yuan, 22.2 billion yuan and 2.474 billion yuan, up 47.1%, 20% and 3.7% respectively in 2009.

(China IP News)
