Beijing: Professionals Study New Patent Website Functions


More than 60 managers and technology researchers from 10 industries participated in a three-day training program in July to teach skills needed in using a national patent data website that went online in February.

With a database of more than 33 million patents from around the world, the website carries documentation on the 10 industries listed as key sectors in national industrial development.

The database is expected to expand to more than 70 million entries on patent information by the end of the year, according to Gong Yalin, director-general of SIPO, Planning and Development Department.

Co-sponsored by the Sate Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the familiarization session was important for ongoing technological innovation, Gong said.

Daily visits to the website have risen an average of 470,000 since August.

(Source: China Daily)
