The Sixth Pan-PRD Intellectual Property Cooperation Joint Conference and the Fifth Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation Forum Held in Fuzhou


Recently, The Sixth Pan-PRD Intellectual Property Cooperation Joint Conference and the Fifth Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation Forum were held in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. This Forum was organized by various parties from Pearl River Delta IP cooperation, and hosted by Fujian Provincial Intellectual Property Administration, Provincial Trade and Industry Administration, and Provincial Copyright Administration.

Vice Governor Li Chuan of Fujian Province introduced Fujian's achievement in promoting economic and social development through the development of IP system in recent years. He expressed his appreciation to the great support and help from the State Intellectual Property Office in the long time cooperation with Pan-PRD.

The forum focused on the theme of "Enterprises, Intellectual Property Strategy and Core Competitiveness ". Experts, scholars and entrepreneurs on the Pan-PRD cooperation had in-depth discussions on major issues like the implementation of corporate IP strategies, the strengthening of the Pan-PRD cooperation under the IP Strategy, and the promotion of regional independent innovation through papers or speeches. The forum collected 47 papers and compiled them into "the Fifth Pan-Pearl River Delta IP Cooperation Forum Works ". The Forum was of great significance to the further deepening of regional IP exchanges and cooperation, actively exploration of the development of regional independent innovation system and mechanism, and new progress on the IP work that would promote complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common regional IPR. 
