Beijing: 'Top 10' IPR Cases Show Changing Economy


The Beijing Higher People's Court recently released the top 10 IPR cases in 2009. Unlike previous years, when the majority were copyright infringements, four cases last year were related to trademark infringement and unfair competition.

The proportion of commercial disputes increased last year and included industries including catering, clothing and IT.

The increase in commercial law disputes reflects changes in the economy in modern society, noted Chen Jinchuan, the presiding judge of the tribunal.

Notable cases also included three copyright infringements, two patent infringement cases and one computer software copyright dispute.

72-hour race to create and implement patents

A "72-hour Race to Innovation" by Swedish professor Kaj Mickos was held last month in Beijing.

Ten Chinese and foreign participants from varied backgrounds and industries arrived to meet the unprecedented creative challenge: How to create patents within 72 hours.

With "improving the daily life" as its theme, the race aimed to help people to interact and conceptualize ideas and production along with evaluation, registration of patents and other aspects of product innovation.

(Source: China Daily)
